Use the UP and DOWN CONTROL PAD ARROWSto make your choice on each screen.FIRST SELECTION SCREEN - choose between one and two player mode.SECOND SELECTION SCREEN - choose one of three match types:a) One-on-Oneb) Tag Team (Two-on-Two)c) Survivor Series (Four-on-Four)THIRD SELECTION SCREEN - choose one of three levels of difficulty (only inOne Player Mode):a) Easyb) Mediumc) HardOnce you have completed all three selection screens, it is time to decidewhich wrestler (or wrestlers) you want to be. 2_WWF Super WrestleMania gives you over a dozen different ways to play: One ortwo players can compete in one of three match formats at any one of threelevels of difficulty.After loading your game cartridge and pressing the START BUTTON, you will seethe first of three selection screens. When you see the WWF Super WrestleMania titlescreen, press the START BUTTON on your controller.
Get ready for WWF SUPER WRESTLEMANIA.BEFORE THEOPENING BELLLOADING1) Make sure the Power Switch is OFF.2) Insert your WWF Super WrestleMania Game Pak as described in your SuperNintendo Entertainment System manual.3) Turn the Power Switch ON. Get readyto enter a new dimension in mat action. Or you can face the ultimate challengeof a four-on-four Survivor Series!No matter which way you decide to play, you will experience all the sights,sounds and sensations of the ring wars like you never have before. You can control twowrestlers in a tag team competition.

You can wrestle inone-on-one competition against the computer or a friend. As the immortal "Hulkster," you can be in control 1_of Hulkamania.the greatest force in all of wrestling. You can be whoever you want to be and test your grappling skillsagainst the best athletes in the world today!As "Macho Man" Randy Savage, you can hurl your opponent from the ring to thefloor of the arena, climb to the top turnbuckle and deliver a punishingflying leg-drop. All of the powers and abilities of 10 of the greatestwrestlers ever to set foot in the WWF squared circle are in the palm ofyour hand. Get a FREE iPad or MacBook Air!!!!!!! WWF Super WrestlemaniaTyped out by SNS-WF-USA WWF SUPER WRESTLEMANIA INSTRUCTION BOOKLET_GET IN THE THICKOF THE ACTIONHave you ever dreamed of what it must be like to be Hulk Hogan, drawinginspiration from the cheers of tens of thousands of fans as you struggleagainst the brawny might of the massive Undertaker?Did you ever wonder how it might feel to be a member of the Legion of Doom,leveling an opponent like Earthquake or Typhoon of the Natural Disasters,with a thundering clothesline or a precision dropkick?Have you ever imagined possessing the awesome power of Sid Justice or Randy"Macho Man" Savage, the cold and calculating mind of Jake "the Snake"Roberts or the "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase?Now, with WWF Super Wrestlemania (tm), you don't have to dream, wonder orimagine any longer.